Protecting Investors’ Rights,
Recovering Losses

Billions Recovered
for Investors

Empowering Investors To
Achieve Financial Justice


What DiCello Levitt
can do for you..

  • More than $20B recovered for plaintiffs

  • Over 92% of trials and arbitrations won for clients

  • Led more than 20 multidistrict litigations (MDLs) in the last four years alone

  • The Legal 500 Recognizes DiCello Levitt Practices and Attorneys in Its 2024 Guide to the US Legal Market

Types of Loss Our Firm Covers

Join A Case

DiCello Levitt protects investors from corporate securities fraud and assists them in recovering fraud-related losses. If you suffered losses due to suspected securities fraud or corporate misconduct, DiCello Levitt may be able to help you.

What are the benefits of participating in a class action lawsuit?

A class action lawsuit allows individuals to collectively pursue claims that might otherwise be too small to pursue individually. Claims too small to be pursued separately might only be remedied with class actions. 

What are the costs and expenses for me?

Regardless of the outcome, any class member has no out-of-pocket costs. DiCello Levitt pays all costs and expenses associated with the suit. We also work on a contingency fee basis, meaning we are only paid if we settle or win the case. If we successfully obtain a recovery on behalf of class members, we will ask the court to award fees and expenses from the recovery. The fee award amount will depend on several factors, including the recovery's size and the litigation's duration and complexity.

About Us

About Our Securities Litigation Team

DiCello Levitt’s Securities and Financial Products Litigation Practice Group represents individual and institutional investors, including banks and pension funds, who have suffered financial losses due to misconduct and regulatory failures.

We pursue the responsible parties to obtain compensation for our clients.

DiCello Levitt’s attorneys are recognized experts in prosecuting securities and accounting fraud claims, having led some of the most complex and notable securities actions. Through more than $20 billion in recoveries, we’ve helped raise the bar for corporate conduct and responsibility, paving the way for a more just and equitable world.

Our attorneys have a proven track record of securing landmark financial recoveries and advancing reforms in cases involving omissions, nondisclosure, fraudulent statements, financial schemes, deceptive practices, breaches of duty, market manipulation, and insider trading.


What is a class action lawsuit?

A class action lawsuit is a legal action filed for people who have suffered similar harm or losses caused by the same defendants.

How do class action lawsuits work?

In a class action, one or more individuals pursue claims on behalf of a larger group or class with similar claims against the same defendants. In a securities class action, the representative of the class is known as a “lead plaintiff.”

What is a lead plaintiff?

In securities class actions, the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 permits any class member to seek appointment as lead plaintiff in the class action lawsuit. A lead plaintiff is generally the movant with the most significant financial interest in the relief sought by the putative class, who is also typical and adequate of the putative class.  The lead plaintiff can choose a law firm to prosecute the class action lawsuit.  A lead plaintiff acts on behalf of all other class members in directing the class action lawsuit. 

Who can participate in a class action lawsuit?

Anyone who meets the court’s criteria for membership in the affected class can participate. This typically includes individuals similarly harmed by the defendant’s actions.

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About Us

Driven by Justice In All Its Dimensions

At DiCello Levitt, we are dedicated to achieving justice for our clients through civil and human rights, class action, business-to-business, public client, whistleblower, personal injury, and mass tort litigation.

Our lawyers are highly respected for their ability to prosecute and win cases—whether by trial, settlement, or otherwise—for people who have suffered harm, global corporations that have sustained significant economic losses, and public clients seeking to protect their citizens’ rights and interests.

Every day, we put our reputations and capital on the line for our clients.

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Our Attorneys


Brian O’Mara


Full Bio

Adam Levitt


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Henry Rosen


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Steve Jodlowski


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